So, I've decided to continue blogging even though I'm now in the states. I figure my life is interesting enough to fill up a page every three or four weeks or so. Maybe one day I'll move up to blogging more frequently, but for now, this will do.
In other news, I bought (well actually, my mom bought as an extremely early birthday present...I can't even thank her enough, I'm so overwhelmed with how amazing I am to have her as my mom) my ticket today to return to England! I'm flying into Manchester on March 20th to have a week of fun with Cameron, enjoying York and its surrounding areas and ending up in London to see all of my lovely friends whom I miss INCREDIBLY. Get ready, England. You know you haven't seen enough of me.
Other than that, this past week has been one of the most difficult in memory. Recruitment for Chi O, taking 5 classes, and attempting to pick up 8 hours of work DO NOT MIX. But, on the brighter side, I'm almost finished with being busy to the point of insanity and, as an important note, I have not suffered any injurious emotional attacks during this stressful time. Not crying, FTW.
Other than having my butt kicked, I'm settling back in at Northwestern nicely. I love where I'm living and having my some of my closest friends near me once again. It's cold, but it's snowy and picturesque. And, since I remember where absolutely nothing is in Evanston, I'm getting to explore all over again. God is amazing with his surprises. Sometimes getting lost is irritating, other times exciting. Either way, you end up at the Einstein in Pancoe having navigated through Tech feeling extremely accomplished, even if it does make you late for work.
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